Joey Mooreales

DB Type

Open Calls: DB

Open Calls

  • Open Calls: Artianne Magazine #1

Artist Full Name

  • Joey Mooreales


  • 2001
  • February
  • 2

Artist Statement

Hi, my name is Joey Mooreales and I'm the man who will become the greatest artist of all time. I'm going to do this by ushering in a new art form that focuses on the stories behind abstract art and directly involves the viewer in what the artist creates. I want people to bring their own element to what I make and let them decipher what I've created based on their experiences. I know that art is always up for interpretation, but I want the focus of my art to be the interpretation of the viewer, not me having a message or not (unless I choose to have one, I don't like pigeonholing myself). My abstract art will display multiple things at once and never have one single definitive meaning. Everyone who sees what I make will see something a little bit different as they bring a little bit of themselves to my creations, almost making it a joint project between me and the viewer. When I ask someone, "What do you see?" and I see their eyes focus as they explain their thoughts and feelings on my work, it's a great experience and a major driving factor in why I create. I want to make that more prominent in the art world today and have artists take this approach in what they do as well. The human mind is a beautiful thing and I love how we all think so differently from one another. Displaying that difference in my art will be great since everyone who explains my art will be right because that's what they see. With my creations not having a meaning that is set in stone, the viewer can run around the playground of my art and see where their mind and eyes take them, ushering in a new way of perceiving, displaying, and creating art altogether.
In addition to that mission, I'll want to inspire people to create the things that only they can create while on my journey, proving that everyone has something to offer to this world artistically. There are ideas that only exist within your brain, and only you have the power to pick up an art utensil and get it out to share with the world. Skill level may be in factor in the results, yes, but there are things that you can create that I can't, and there are things that I can create that you can't, but we both share the same ability to create and I want to emphasis that within what I do.
I've been creating since my youth, but I started my official art career at the end of 2022, launching my website and releasing my first art project " '22 Starter Pack". With three art projects in my portfolio now, I believe I have a firm foundation to stand on as I continue to get better in my creative process and apply it to different mediums.
When it comes to actually making my art, I have two different approaches. If it's an abstract piece, I'll let the art take me where it wants to go, allowing myself to be free in my creations. Starting with some doodles and rough ideas, I'll build off of a central theme/drawing, eventually leading to me having a bunch of ideas connected by the canvas and the supporting elements of the piece. Each piece is unique, but they all follow that format to some degree. If the piece is going to be based in realism, I'll use a reference for the beginning portion of creating, but after a while, I'll take it away and then do what I think looks best for the piece (I'm not opposed to continuing to look at the reference but once I get to a certain point I feel like I can take over).
With my drive, focus, and creative mindset, I believe I will become the greatest artist of all time. I want to inspire the world with any medium I put my hand on, ushering in new ideas and approaches to creation. I won't be disrespectful in my approach because I'll always support artists and the art they make, but I want to be at the top, and I'm going to work my gift until I get there. There's a lot of history left to be written on this planet and I plan on having my name cemented in it with my art.


Joey Mooreales is a Maryland-based artist trying to spread his creative ideas to the masses. With three art projects under his belt: " '22 Starter Pack", "Moore Art", and his latest "Oops! All Paintings!", his foundation is set and he's ready to continue his growth in the art world. Starting at the beginning of his art career, Joey opened his website,, to the public and released his first art project " '22 Starter Pack". This digitally based collection included 4 posters, one of them being his most famous, "Take A Gander", made to have the viewer create a story and bring meaning to what he made. The message behind the artwork is that there is no message in the artwork. He wants people to see what they see within his art, creating stories and timelines based on their personal experiences and sharing them with others to bring a new element to what he has made. Once they have done that, others will do the same. Telling their stories and sharing what they see in the art, and the great thing about this is, they'll all be right. Since "Take A Gander" has no definitive meaning, whatever you see within it will be correct. Everyone will be able to freely express themselves and show a little bit of who they are in what he's created and hopefully, it will bring us closer together. " '22 Stater Pack" also included the works, "room. [Recovered], "twentytwenty" and "The Heart Part 5", all of which are available as posters on Joey's website, previously mentioned.
After He released his debut, he released his second and third projects, "Moore Art" in 2023, and "Oops! All Paintings!" in 2024. "Moore Art" was another digitally made collection, providing 2 new posters and a painted canvas to his portfolio. "the pillar/WHICH SIDE?" and "outside [... - .- -.--] DELUXE" were posters continuing the ideas of "Take A Gander" and "room. [Recovered]", presenting more art for the viewer to interpret and analyze. The painting was named "x LIVE! From Groundhog Day x" since he painted it on Instagram Live on Groundhog Day (February 2nd).
After a short hiatus, Joey came back and released his third project, "Oops! All Paintings!". This collection was inspired by the fact that he had only been known to do digital works and wanted to try his hand at a new medium. With some inspiration from the Cap'n Crunch cereal "Oops! All Berries" for the title, he started working with paints, markers, and charcoal to create seven canvases to show the new skill set he had. These canvases included: "Sorry To Bother You", "Paraiso", "Moon Worm", "Animals ." (the first release of the project), and the powerful Mirror., a canvas reflecting on a toxic, imbalanced relationship from the man's perspective. Before the project's release, Joey presented it at the Pancakes & Booze art show on May 23rd, 2024, and then officially released it to the world on May 31st.
With everything that's happened in his career so far, Joey is still hungry and ready to create more for himself and others, inspiring those as he continues on his artistic journey to becoming the greatest artist of all time.


Image Details

Take A Gander_2022_Digital_18 x 12 inches
outside [_. - .- -.--] DELUXE_2023_Digital_24 x 8 inches
Paraíso_2024_Oil Paint on Canvas_18 x 14 inches
Mirror._2024_Spray Paint, Marker, Oil Paint, and Canvas on Canvas_20 x16 inches
Animals . _2024_Oil Paint on Canvas_ 10 x 10 inches (3 canvases)
Sorry To Bother You_2024_Oil on Canvas_16 x 12 inches
Moon Worm_2024_Charcoal and Laminated Printout on Canvas_14 x 14 inches

(In the Oops! All Paintings! picture, Animals . is above my head, Sorry To Bother You is to my Left and Moon Worm is to my right)


  • Digital / NFT

  • Painting


  • Abstract

  • Expressionism

  • Realism

  • Surrealism

Location (Based In)


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