Temitope Odedoyin

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Open Calls

  • Open Calls: Artianne Magazine #1

Artist Full Name

  • Temitope Odedoyin


  • 1997
  • June
  • 25

Artist Statement

I will be writing this from my heart like a true artist, so it might not be perfect or long enough.

I believe art is all about imagining a world you may never live in; art is one's wildest imagination. My artworks are like dreams and perhaps a weird cool dream where one does not know if one is dreaming or living in the perfect weird world. I am a surreal artist, popularly known as Eddna. Through painting, I allow my imagination to meet reality. However, my paintings are not about me. My paintings are for people that cannot paint, but their imagination runs wild like mine. I hope they see my paintings and smile, remembering a cool weird dream they had a couple weeks ago or perhaps an imagination they archived in their memory. Those are the people who I paint for; I believe I paint for us all.


Let me Tell you a True Story

My childhood best friend was extremely creative; we were too young to understand. However, she had influenced me tremendously, unbeknown to either of us. Even though our friendship lasted for only three years, and I never saw her again, her creative impact in my life will last for a lifetime. Because of her, at the age of seven, I started drawing, using color pencils to make beautiful marks on paper. I created storybooks, drew each character and told a story. Bringing my imagination to life, I made paper dolls, paper houses, paper clothes, paper streets; I created a whole paper community. I placed my paper creation by the corner of my bed on the floor; when the maids swept, some parts were randomly swept away. I had no problems recreating; I understood God or maybe the angels. I later relocated to America as a kid, and in between trying to understand a totally new culture, I did not have the mental capacity to keep up with my creativity. I did not reopen my artistic side until freshmen year high school. I started painting in my International Baccalaureate art class and everybody fell in love with my artworks. I was surprised I could still draw, and even though I had never painted, I knew how to use the medium excellently. However, this time something was different, I was not imagining a doll’s world; I was imagining something out of the norm, something out of a dream. Thus, my art teacher introduced me to surrealism, educating me about artists like Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, and Max Ernst. I figured I was not the only weird artist that ever lived, there were weirdos in the 19th century also. During my senior year, there was an open call for junior/senior high school artworks in 2015, my art teacher believed in me and submitted; I was selected. This sprung off my art career, it boosted my confidence. It felt great to know people really did appreciate my artworks. In 2019, I had dived into the market of selling my artworks to individuals that appreciated the creativity and authenticity. Thus far, I have sold 7 professional paintings ranging from $1000-$3000. My artworks have been selected for various pop-up galleries such as Rostrum 312. I am currently an art instructor for ABX sip and paint and Product of the Grind Sip and Paint. Thank you for reading.


Image Details

There is no Chaos, Only those that Disrupt the Natural Order_ 2015_Watercolor and Paper Towel on Watercolor Paper_ 12.5 x 18 inches

What Do You Do After You Sleep_2015_Watercolor on Watercolor Paper_ 24 x 18 inches

What Rules the World_2015_Watercolor on Watercolor Paper_ 17 x 18 inches

A Love and Hate Relationship_ 2015_Paper Collage on Canvas_ 14 x 12.1 inches


  • Collage

  • Painting


  • Surrealism

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