Dan McGarrah

DB Type

Open Calls: DB

Open Calls

  • Open Calls: Artianne Magazine #1

Artist Full Name

  • Dan McGarrah


  • 1953
  • August
  • 26

Artist Statement

Dan McGarrah grew up in Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia At age 25 he came out to Santa Barbara, CA to attend Brooks Institute Of Photography. After graduating he moved to San Francisco, where he had a career in advertising photography. As he was winding down that business McGarrah became increasingly interested in art. And with exposure to museums including SF MOMA, New York’s MOMA, and others, in addition to art books, he primarily had the strongest connection with, and appeal, for abstract art. Among the abstract artists whose work particularly impresses him are Gerhard Richter, Cecily Brown, Jackson Pollock, and Joan Mitchell.
McGarrah decided that he would create abstract art using his own process, which he has been doing for over four years now. He starts by taking digital photographs of plants or leaves. McGarrah then brings a selected image into PhotoShop where he manipulates the images extensively to create abstract artworks.

A near-fatal Grand Mal Seizure in early February 2020 has left McGarrah with a somewhat amorphous cognizance of the ‘external world’; and sometimes feeling to be a ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’. This has amplified his proclivity for abstraction.


I create art via my own personal methodology. I take digital photographs of various plants, and then later select ones to work on. I bring selected images into Photoshop, where I do extensive manipulation to create the best possible abstract artwork from that given starting point. This takes many hours, often spread out over a number of inspired bursts spanning months, occasionally years.

My resulting abstract artworks are reflective of various mental activities, and are in 3 concurrent series. 1) ‘Unformed Thoughts’, 2) ‘Subliminal Processing ’, and 3) ‘Outer Territories’. The art in each of the series explores a broad range of feelings, senses, and emotions - from gentle to harsh, from caring to antagonistic.

Unformed Thoughts: Our conscious thoughts do not instantly arrive fully formed. There is a time period, however brief, during which thoughts take shape. At midway points through this process, there is just a nebulous pre-thought - it is 'unformed'. The artworks are in two
categories - Numbered and Named. The Numbered are reflective of forming thoughts that still have a wide range of potential destinations. The Named are reflective of thoughts that are further along toward forming.

Subliminal Processing: As opposed to conscious thoughts in the process of forming, these artworks are reflective of subconscious mental activity that is completely uncontrolled and largely inaccessible.

Outer Territories: This is the series I have started most recently. The artwork is reflective of diverse places our minds can take us to. A full range of destinations including joyful ones, confusing ones, scary ones, and much more. Primarily occurring during night-time dreams, but in 'daydreams' as well. In this series, my descriptive titles are an integral aspect of each artwork.

Throughout all, I strive to create timeless artwork that can have strong emotional and/or intellectual impact; whether it is accompanied or unaccompanied by concept. To quote, and echo, the sentiment of renowned artist Cecily Brown “I have always wanted to make paintings
that grab and hold your attention”.


Image Details

A Destination You Won't Be Able To Describe After Returning From_2023-2024_Archival Canvas Print_48 x 48 inches

Subliminal Processing 1_2020-2024_Archival Canvas Print_51 x 72 inches

Subliminal Processing 40_2023_Archival Canvas Print_40 x 30 inches

Where There's No Need To Hide; You Can't Be Found_2023_Archival Canvas Print_48 x 72 inches

Where Noise Levels Are Perpetually High_2023-2024_Archival Canvas Print_40 x 29 inches

Where Chaos Is More Than Just A Theory_2023_Archival Canvas Print_56 x 96 inches

Here A Festive Demeanor Is Unavoidable_2024_Archival Canvas Print_48 x 48 inches


  • Photography


  • Abstract

  • Abstract Expressionism

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