Heda Rose

DB Type

Open Calls: DB

Open Calls

  • Open Calls: Artianne Magazine #1

Artist Full Name

  • Heda Rose


  • 1983
  • September
  • 17

Artist Statement

In the realm of creation, I am an artist in its purest essence. Each stroke of my brush, each blend of color, is an immersion into a euphoric state of mind where consciousness surrenders to the flow of creation. In this journey, I find myself liberated from the shackles of overthought, embracing the subconscious and unconscious as my guiding forces. My canvas is a reflection of the complexities of personal pain transmuted into purpose. Through my art, I embark on a transformative journey, where anguish metamorphoses into inspiration, and despair finds solace in the act of creation. Guided solely by intuition, I navigate the vast expanse of my imagination, tapping into the unfiltered innocence of my inner child. Each painting becomes a testament to living authentically, embracing the boundless possibilities that unfold with every brushstroke. Within the depths of my creations lie hidden images, waiting to be discovered by those who engage with my work. Each piece offers a glimpse into a world of beauty, energy, and dialogue, inviting viewers to embark on their own journey of introspection and discovery. Ultimately, my art serves as a conduit for connection, enriching the lives of all who encounter it with moments of peace, balance, and serenity. It is a testament to the transformative power of creativity, transcending boundaries and offering glimpses of emotional well-being and deliverance to all who dare to engage with its depths.


Heda Rose is a versatile multi-disciplinary artist whose diverse practice encompasses Mixed Media abstract acrylic and oil paintings. With a rich multi-cultural background and roots in New York, Heda's artistic journey began amidst the vibrant tapestry of the late 1990s music scene, where she flourished as a professional singer/songwriter within a Billboard Charted singing group.

Transitioning seamlessly into the realm of visual art, Heda embarked on a self-taught exploration in 2014, marking the genesis of her captivating artistic odyssey. Her remarkable talent and unique perspective have garnered international recognition, notably at The Chianciano Biennale in Tuscany, Italy, and the prestigious London Biennale in the United Kingdom. Notably, Heda's artistic prowess has been celebrated with the esteemed London Art Biennale Award and the Luxembourg Art Prize, a testament to the exceptional quality of her work and its profound impact on audiences worldwide.



Image Details

Africasso_2023_Acrylic on canvas_36x48
Sea of Possible_2022_Acrylic on Canvas_16x20
Climb Every Mountain_2022_Acrylic on Canvas_16x20
Journey over Destination_2022_Acrylic on Canvas_16x20
Madre Terra_2022_Acrylic on Canvas_16x20


  • Mixed Media

  • Painting


  • Abstract

  • Abstract Expressionism

Location (Based In)


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