Marisa Bazan

DB Type

Open Calls: DB

Open Calls

  • Open Calls: Artianne Magazine #1

Artist Full Name

  • Marisa Bazan


  • 1993
  • October
  • 21

Artist Statement

Collage has always been about taking images or ideas with almost nothing in common and creating a story. Sometimes the stories are funny, other times they're not, but there's always something romantic about the synchronicity of two images published decades apart, working together to illustrate an idea and create a new narrative.


Marisa Bazan is a Latina artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her mediums include analog collage art and film photography. Through her art, Marisa challenges notions of femininity by exploring the happy place where beauty can coincide with disgust. Her collage toolkit consists of vintage magazines, a purple gluestick, scissors, an old scanner, and an X-acto knife.


Image Details

- Untitled1_2020_analog paper collage
- Untitled2_2019_analog paper collage
- Untitled3_2021_analog paper collage
- Untitled5_2018_analog paper collage
- Untitled6_2019_analog paper collage
- Untitled7_2022_analog paper collage


  • Collage


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