Maryam Afnan

DB Type

Open Calls: DB

Open Calls

  • Open Calls: Artianne Magazine #1

Artist Full Name

  • Maryam Afnan


  • 1958
  • October
  • 27

Artist Statement

I am an artist based in Houston, Texas. Although I was not formally trained, I found my natural talent and passion for art in 2021, inspired by my mother who was a professional artist. My art draws inspiration from the humor I find in life and nature, as well as the whimsy of my own imagination. You can often find me spending my free time in my corner studio, splattered in paint and working on several pieces. My finished art is a testament of my creative soul, which is reflected on the canvas.


Maryam was born in Iran and grew up in England before moving to the United States in the late 1980s. She balances her professional career with her passion for painting, creating art on the side. Despite her busy schedule, she dedicates time to her creative pursuits, finding solace and expression in her artwork. Maryam loves her two sons more than anything in this world, drawing inspiration and joy from their presence. Her favorite part about painting is the happiness it brings to others, and she cherishes the moments when her work resonates and uplifts those who experience it.


Image Details

ViewsOverTheHudson_2022_Acrylic on Canvas_36"x36"
FunTown_2024_Acrylic on Canvas_24"x36"
YellowBrickRoad_2002_Acrylic on Canvas_24"x24"
BlazingSquares_2024_Acrylic on Canvas_16"x16"
TheBusyTown_2024_Acrylic on Canvas_12"x12"
TheEscape_2023_Acrylic on Canvas_16"x16"


  • Painting


Location (Based In)


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